Corporate Legal Solution

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Simple to adopt: Intuitive to use: Powerful productivity gains

A web based solution which streamlines and strengthens the functioning of a Corporate Legal Department, putting legal work in context of the business.

Most corporate legal departments receive numerous legal service requests, including requests that are not considered legal matters. At most organizations, requests come through emails, over the phone, at the coffee machine, in the elevator, over text and chats, on paper, during meetings;making it a complicated activitywhich is difficult to track. This dated workflow increases the administrative work, wastes valuable time and resources, forcing legal teams to be reactive to issues, rather than proactive with solutions. Consequently, companies have little insight into the origins and context behind their legal spend.

The corporate legal departments working on multiple matters across various geographical locations, are thus always looking for ways to save time, simplify processes, and improve communications.

The Corporate Legal Solution from myKase provides an answer for all the impediments of a Corporate Legal Department.

  • A birds eye view of all matters and work requests.
  • Evaluate and analyze workload, relationships with outside counsel, spends, and workflows, enabling efficiency and bringing transparency.
  • Uniform, consistent and targeted reporting.

Simplify the Intake Process

myKase simplifies the intake process and allows the corporate legal department to manage the entire matter creation workflow within the single unified platform. Requests from the internal legal team, and other departments, can be tracked and managed efficiently in one place, simplifying the matter creation process. Legal teams can design different Legal Request forms to better manage requests. Once submitted, each form is routed to the assigned corporate legal team member. The request is handled through the platform without any manual intervention.

Request Intake feature simplifies and adds structure to
new matter intake and setup.

  • Forms can be easily designed and made available for submitting legal services requests. Customized fields can be included to fit the individual needs of organization.
  • Efficiently evaluate requests received and assign to appropriate staff and improve productivity.
  • Better tracking, management, and reporting on all legal requests using a single application.
  • Reducing the manual effort in getting information.
  • Provide uniform and consistent reporting with accurate and real-time data.
  • Everything is in one centralized location.
  • E-signature integration standardizes secure approvals.
  • Notifications and alerts are sent to process participants and stakeholders at pre-designated points throughout the intake process.
  • Greater efficiency, accountability, and a better user experience for all the process partners.
  • Post the Request Intake, Matter, Task, Document and Billing Management of myKase ensures that each matter is taken to conclusion and archived for future reference and retrieval.

The key advantages:

  • Centralized Repository for all the documents, data and information.
  • Authorised access; anytime-anywhere.
  • All communication in one place for easy access, tagged to respective matter.
  • Standardizing department workflows.
  • Assign tasks to appropriate staff and improve productivity.
  • Task Management - Clearly assigned, and defined tasks reduces duplication of effort. Easy to track status and overdue tasks.
  • Litigation live tracking and matter discovery.
  • Customized Dashboard & Report Generation.
  • Manage Outside Counsel.
  • Smart Alerts and Calendar Log.
  • Improved use of resources and improved performance against budgets.